Southern Colour Ringing Group


The first few days of tracking Brent Geese has been very interesting. In general all birds seem to be roosting on Bridgemarsh Island and grazing on the fields at Blue House Farm during the day. All five geese have spent the last three days grazing within a few yards of each other - that is quite fascinating and shows that group caught together have for at least three days stayed together. Most of them have also roosted overnight on Bridgemarsh Island in pretty much the same spots most nights which is also very interesting, although one roosted the other side of N Fambridge and in the creek by South Fambridge on one night.

David Low has been out in the field observing the birds and we have established that of the 14 birds we caught it consisted of five pairs (ten individuals) and 4 individual unpaired birds. This added value and information is quite remarkable and will give us some incredibly enhanced data. He has also observed all the neck collared birds all of which seem to be behaving normally and showing no issues with their collars. The photo below shows one bird preening and David's observations have been very encouraging along with the tracking data showing all birds appear to be behaving as normal with the rest of the flock.

G DL   Neck Collar 9 Jan 2019 2

 Green DL in the field - Photo David Low

Below are the maps for the first four days of tracking for each bird.

Map BRAN01 11 Jan 19


Map BRAN02 11 Jan 19


Map BRAN03 11 Jan 19


Map BRAN04 11 Jan 19


Map BRAN05 11 Jan 19


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