Southern Colour Ringing Group


We took a very small team out to count the Heron colony on Netherhall and see if there were some early chicks to ring. A slick operation which we put back an hour due to the chilly temperatures first thing. All went well with 25 active nests and a sample of 8 Herons ringed and colour ringed. As with Walthamstow there are already some early Egrets getting going and one nest with five eggs already.

27 March thumbnail IMG 082427 March thumbnail IMG 0824

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 8 8
Little Egret 0 0

Under the Governement guidance that scientific monitoring can continue we took a small team to undertake the survey of Herons at Walthamstow Wetlands today. A good session with 32 active nests counted and a sample of 16 young ringed all colour ringed.

Thanks to the team at Walthamstow for organising the socialy distanced canoes to undertake the session.

PHOTO 2021 03 24 13 08 34PHOTO 2021 03 24 13 08 34

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 16 16
Little Egret 0 0

Thanks to some very unsavory charachters who spent a night out on Heron Island at Glen Faba we wanted to go out and check to see if any wildlife crime had been committed so myself and one ranger from the Park took the large boat (enabling us to stay 2m apart!) out to the island to see if there was any damage. Fortunately there was no damage and most of the Herons had fledged. The other really good news is that there were at least 10 pairs of Little Egret at varying stages and I was able in the permitted time to ring three broods. Unfortunately 4 out of the 11 birds were too small to take colour rings and were ringed abouve the tarsus with a metal ring only.

It is unlikely that we will be able to make a visit to the colony at Walthamstow this year so this may be the only birds we ring this year.

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 0 0
Little Egret 11 7


The Southern Colour Ringing Group rings Grey Heron and Little Egret pulli (young in the nest) at two sites in the Lee Valley – Netherhall and Walthamstow Wetlands.

Nests are climbed up to and young removed to ring. We also fit colour rings; Heron (White with black letters and a three digit code) and Egrets (orange on the left leg and black or green on the right leg) which allows the birds to be relocated without needing to be recaptured. There are many more bird-watchers looking for colour-ringed birds, so this greatly improves our chances of understanding the movements of the birds from the Lee Valley.

If you see a bird with one of our colour rings, please use the submission form or send details (ring-code, date, location, species) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ringing totals

2018 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 26 26
Little Egret 37 27

2019 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 22 19
Little Egret 41 35

2020 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 0 0
Little Egret 11 7

2021 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 24 24
Little Egret 0 0

Grand totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 217 69
Little Egret 147 127

© 2017-2024 Southern Colour Ringing Group

Website design and build by Garganey Consulting