Southern Colour Ringing Group

BH Gulls chicks 2018 June 012 copy 1

A vist to FIshers Green today saw a team of six in the large boat for the first time attempt to ring the large number of birds on the rafts. Some birds were still too small and there were probably around 20 nests still to hatch so there will be some more to ring when we visit for Terns in the next three or four weeks. The ringing operation was completed quickly and well. A final total of 74 birds ringed and 62 colour ringed was a good sample. None of the young on the islands were ringable due to no fences on the island and with 70 pairs nesting on the island means we are probably only ringing a third of the young from this colony.

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Black-headed Gull 74 62

2018 05 23 Seventy Acres 08

The first visit to the rafts at Seventy Acres Lake was made today primarily to count nests. There were a few young Black-headed Gulls to ring and it was pleaseing to count some Common Terns that had laid. Final total count for the morning was 142 pairs of Black-headed Gulls and 9 pairs of Common Terns. We will probably make a visit to ring more gulls next weekend. One bonus was on counting some gulls that had nested on wire cages for fish refuges we discovered a Pochard sitting on a nest which trapped itself in the cage. A quick grab and it wa secured for Adam to gain a ringing tick!

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Black-headed Gull 6 6
Species Ringed Colour ringed
Black-headed Gull 18 18


The Southern Colour Ringing Group rings Black-headed Gull pulli (young in the nest) nesting on rafts at Fishers Green in the Lee Valley Regional Park.

In addition to a conventional BTO metal ring, we also fit colour rings (yellow with a black code starting with '2') which allows the birds to be relocated without needing to be recaptured. There are many more bird-watchers looking for colour-ringed birds, so this greatly improves our chances of understanding the movements of the birds from the Lee Valley breeding site.

If you see a bird with one of our colour rings, please use the submission form or send details (ring-code, date, location, species) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ringing totals

2015 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Black-headed Gull 47 47

2016 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Black-headed Gull 96 96

2017 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Black-headed Gull 69 69

2018 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Black-headed Gull 80 68

Grand totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Black-headed Gull 292 280

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