Southern Colour Ringing Group


Another visit to the colony at Waltahastow today saw a second check of Herons and Egrets with a good number ringed.

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 7 6
Little Egret 16 14

Last visit to Netherhall this year unfortunately very few Egrets this year. Two nests ringed and one will 3 eggs. One final nest of Herons ringed as well.

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 2 2
Little Egret 5 5

Walthamstow and Netherhall both checked today. A nice sample of 16 birds ringed. Ineterstingly at Watlhamstow the Egrets were very early and mostly with full clutches we we will need to visit in early May again to get the Egrets at the right size to ring.

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 16 16
Little Egret 0 0


The Southern Colour Ringing Group rings Grey Heron and Little Egret pulli (young in the nest) at two sites in the Lee Valley – Netherhall and Walthamstow Wetlands.

Nests are climbed up to and young removed to ring. We also fit colour rings; Heron (White with black letters and a three digit code) and Egrets (orange on the left leg and black or green on the right leg) which allows the birds to be relocated without needing to be recaptured. There are many more bird-watchers looking for colour-ringed birds, so this greatly improves our chances of understanding the movements of the birds from the Lee Valley.

If you see a bird with one of our colour rings, please use the submission form or send details (ring-code, date, location, species) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ringing totals

2021 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 31 31
Little Egret 19 19

2022 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 14 14
Little Egret 18 18

2023 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 20 20
Little Egret 26 25

2024 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 25 24
Little Egret 21 19

Grand totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Grey Heron 283 134
Little Egret 231 208

© 2017-2025 Southern Colour Ringing Group

Website design and build by Garganey Consulting and hosted at Stablepoint