Southern Colour Ringing Group


One Gadwall ringed at Rye Meads

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Gadwall 1 1
Shoveler 0 0

One more Gadwall at Rye Meads

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Gadwall 1 1
Shoveler 0 0

3 Gadwall Ringed at Rye Meads

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Gadwall 3 3
Shoveler 0 0


The Southern Colour Ringing Group is running a project to satellite track duck; specifically Shoveler and Gadwall. The project covers three areas in London - the Lee Valley, the Colne Valley and south-west London reservoirs.

Birds are caught either with cannon nets or in static duck traps. We also fit colour rings to both species (black with white letters and a two character code). There are many more bird-watchers looking for colour-ringed birds, so this greatly improves our chances of understanding the movements of the birds from this project.

If you see a bird with one of our colour rings, please use the submission form or send details (ring-code, date, location, species) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ringing totals

2018 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Gadwall 4 4
Shoveler 0 0

2019 year totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Gadwall 6 6
Shoveler 0 0

Grand totals

Species Ringed Colour ringed
Gadwall 10 10
Shoveler 0 0

© 2017-2025 Southern Colour Ringing Group

Website design and build by Garganey Consulting and hosted at Stablepoint